Sep 16, 2007

Field testing

So I "field tested" the Severin II buttplug tonight, going to the movies. Here's what I wore, plus jeans and shirt, of course. Also spent some time playing around in Photoshop. Click for bigger.


Anonymous said...

hey BPL -- great to see you're back!

your blog has seriously inspired me to pursue something i never would've considered before -- and that's to spend the day/night plugged.

it's become quite a ritual for me, not so much lately since i've moved in with the significant other and time alone is inevitably minimal these days. no complaints, though -- i still manage to find time to be plugged (i can even swing a full 9 hour day at work!).

anywho, i just ordered myself a Tristan since i've had my eye on it for about 6mos now, awaiting it this week. just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that your little space here on the web remains incredibly unique, interesting, and always a great read! thank you!

Anonymous said...

Wow lots of toys here. I have a cool web site you might enjoy.... these toys are a real trip...have you ever heard of these?